Friday, March 06, 2009

George Pelecanos: The Way Home

I was surfing around tonight looking for books for Benjamin when I saw that one of my favorite author's George Pelecanos has a new book called The Way Home coming out May 12, 2009. Amazon didn't have a description of the book so I surfed around and found this on VJ Books.

How far will a father go to save his son? That question is the beating pulse beneath George Pelecanos's spectacular new novel.

When Thomas Flynn leaves his son, seventeen year-old Chris, at Pine Ridge, a juvenile prison near Washington, D.C., his heart is broken but his mind is made up: Chris will have to pay for the mistakes he's made. Inside, Chris is exposed to kids from a different D.C. than the comfortable one he knew-- one less remote from the street fights, car chases, and marijuana deals that got him here in the first place.

A decade later, Chris and the friends he made at Pine Ridge seem reformed. Chris has a job, thanks to his father, a girlfriend, and his own apartment. But when he and the others are inadvertently caught up in a burglary, old habits and worse instincts rise to the surface, threatening this new-found stability with sudden treachery and violence. With the drama, compassion, and urgency for which Pelecanos is celebrated, The Way Home travels the streets of Washington, D.C. and tells the story of its people, and the tensions that always linger just out of sight, circling back again and again to that clapboard house on Livingston Street where Thomas and Chris Flynn's rocky relationship moves from distrust and scorn toward a flawed, but real, redemption.

George Pelecanos website.

City Paper A Pelecanos Dictionary: Coming to terms with D.C.'s most site-specific author


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Comes out the same day as the Bruce concert here. Can't wait to read it!