Saturday afternoon, June 18th 2011. Nationals Park, Washington DC
I had a third base box seat to this game and thanks to a friend, managed to get on the field as batting practice was winding down. We met Nats Manager Jim Riggleman, who gave each of us an autographed baseball.
The Nationals won their 8th game in a row 4-2 over the Orioles in what is called The Battle of the Beltway.
Enjoy the photo essay. Click on the picture once for a larger view.
Centerfield view of batting practice

Orioles Pitcher Jeremy Guthrie gets his throwing in

Johnny Holliday with 3B's Mark Reynolds and Ryan Zimmerman

O's 3B Mark Reynolds chats with Nats 3B Ryan Zimmerman

Me and Nats Manager Jim Riggleman before the game

Kids greet the Nats players at their position before the game

Nats Pitcher Jordan Zimmermann warms up

Nick Markakis takes a cut

Ryan Zimmerman fields a grounder

Adam Jones circles the bases after his homer in the first inning

Orioles Pitcher Brian Matusz

Jayson Werth: 6 years, $ 126 million and one cool beard

Jayson Werth at bat

Ryan Zimmerman connects for a homer

Derrek Lee is...


Ivan Rodriguez discusses strategy with Jordan Zimmermann

Nats Catcher Ivan Rodriguez connects

Sequence of Nats Pitcher Jordan Zimmermann

Ryan Zimmerman anticipates a play at third base

Bucky Harris & Walter Johnson: Washington Senators in the Baseball Hall of Fame

Roger Bernadina squares to bunt

Bernadina opts to hit instead

Nats grounds crew. I've always wanted to do this!

Orioles Catcher Matt Wieters

Derrek Lee slides safely into second base

President's Race

Teddy fails to win...again

Orioles Pitcher Brian Matusz

Ryan Zimmerman in the field

Nick Markakis connects

Jayson Werth at bat

Nats Pitcher Jordan Zimmermann makes the put out at first

Nats celebrate after Michael Morse's homer

O's Manager Buck Showalter makes a pitching change

O's Pitcher Brian Matusz leaves the game after hurting his left hamstring

Orioles Reliever Clay Rapada

Nats Danny Espinosa gets caught in a run down


Nats Catcher Ivan Rodriguez connects

Nats Manager Jim Riggleman appreciates his pitcher's effort

Nats Reliever Henry Rodriguez

Nick Markakis pops up

O's Reliever Brad Bergesen

Ryan Zimmerman at bat

Rodriguez and Rodriguez discuss pitching to the O's next batter

Nats First Baseman Michael Morse at bat

Danny Espinosa at the plate

Nats closer Drew Storen enters with a 4-2 lead

O's Shortstop Robert Andino batting in the 9th inning

Drew Storen gets the last out

Nationals win 4-2!

The autographed baseball I got from Nats Manager Jim Riggleman. Benjamin was thrilled and we have display case for it.