Took in a Nats-Red Sox game from Nats Park, renamed Fenway South for this series as I'd say 70 percent of the almost 42,000 fans there each night were Red Sox fans.
I got there early and took some batting and fielding practice pics. The Nats were finishing up and the place erupted when the Red Sox came out. I had tickets in section 308 but didn't like the wire that holds up the screen behind home plate obstructing my view so I moved to some empty seats in section 128 for half the game. Enjoy the shots.


Pitcher Jordan Zimmermann drops the bunt.

John Smoltz making his Boston debut. He's become one of my favorite ball players over the years. He's a hell of a pitcher and a scratch golfer who plays and bets with Tiger Woods a lot. He's shared his golf stories on various radio shows and if I could hang out with one baseball player for a day he's probably it right now though my golf game is awful.

Nats rookie Jordan Zimmermann, 7 IP 5 hits, a run, 6 strike outs. Nice!

I really like this shot.

Ryan Zimmerman

Too bad Dukes didn't make contact here. It would have been a cool pic if he had.

Fun game. If you click and enlarge the pic, you'll see the Battle of the Bard's. I think that was a nickname for Shakespeare.

This was for a long time family friend Tom K who passed away at the end of last year. He loved the Red Sox so I thought I'd honor him. Over the year's we would talk baseball and discuss the Orioles and Red Sox. One of my favorite stories of him was on my wedding day, September 7, 2002. I'm walking down the aisle and he sees me and says with a thumbs up "Hey, the Red Sox won 7-2 last night over Toronto". I took this cap with me when I moved down to the box seat area and left it there.
Then we went to Virginia Beach this weekend. Benjamin had fun as you can see.

Benjamin and Timber

Bean bag toss


Muscle man!

Video games with Uncle Marc

Classic video games