Here's a pic of one of the holes we played.

Ed for birdie.....

Defender Bryan Namoff and the DC United video crew. These guys filmed all of us teeing off. I told the cameraman I'd give him twenty bucks NOT to film my golf swing. I ended up getting filmed. I HOPE this does not make it on to their web site.

So when the lightning came everyone was moved into the clubhouse and it became a big happy hour before dinner was served. Here are some members of Barra Brava yukking it up with a couple players. The course management had to do this, better safe than sorry when lightning is involved. During the happy hour I got to hang with some friends, talked with a couple players and the day was fun despite not getting to play the full 18.

Fast forward to today....I got tickets to see D.C. United play the Evil Los Angeles Galaxy. They have a player I cannot stand in Landon Donovan and a player I respect, David Beckham as he played several seasons for Real Madrid and prior to that, Manchester United. So I felt Benjamin would get a lot out of this game since he's been developing an interest in soccer lately as Daddy's been watching a lot of Euro 2008. (Congrats to Spain, who won the title 1-0 over Germany today).
On the Metro to the game

Soccer celebration at the tailgate

Checking out the team's history


Benjamin would yell "Go, go goalie!" each time D.C. United goalkeeper Zach Wells made a save or kicked the ball

After Jaime Moreno scored his penalty kick to give DC a 1-0 lead

Barra Brava and Screaming Eagles cheering on D.C. United.
Best atmosphere in Major League Soccer, no question about it.

D.C. United 4, Evil LA Galaxy 1 (click for a bigger photo)

The only drawback was at the half when Benjamin and I were looking to get some french fries. We found a line, I was holding him while we waited and he started to get a little impatient and we were 5th from the counter when he started asking to go back to the seat to see Weena. Then he was moving his legs in protest as I was trying to wait it out and let's just say he bended it like Beckham and I was in some pain. That was it for the fries and the only real time he got cranky.
After the game, we headed over to the team store and got him some t-shirts. He and Weena slept on the Metro/car ride home. My only regret was not bringing the small stroller. I wasn't sure stadium security would let us bring it in.
This was Benjamin's first live sporting event and it couldn't have been a better one.
Read all about the game below. Be sure to click the accompanying Photo Gallery as this sums up what an exciting afternoon this was.
United Routs Galaxy
For an example of what kind of person David Beckham is, please read what my friend Dave wrote in his blog Booked For Dissent.
Thanks all who check in here. I'll post more frequently, I promise!